184. Vollversammlung am 11. Oktober 2018

REPORT – 9th term of office of the Bavarian Regional KODA: The committee has been newly constituted…

(Note: since some KODA members were excused, not all KODA members are visible in the photo) Red



Commission newly constituted

In the 184th general assembly on October 11, 2018, the new commission for labor law of the Bavarian dioceses (Bavarian Regional Koda) was newly constituted for its 9th term of office. In their provisional composition, the representatives jointly elected the chair and deputy chair of the commission, installed some working groups and also elected the delegates for the central Koda at federal level. More details can be found in the following report on the 184th general assembly, see appendix.

184. VV Bericht und Konstituierung aus Sicht der Mitarbeiterseite